4D Analytics

Downloading to Excel

A grid template can be downloaded to Excel.

  1. Click the Download Template button. A pop up will be displayed asking to save or download a copy of the data grid. The Excel spreadsheet will mirror the data grid at the time of download. If any changes are made to the data grid template, a new Excel template should be downloaded.
    • The file name will be defaulted to the grid name plus today's date. The file can be saved with any name.
  2. Mandatory columns are highlighted in red and any new dynamically created columns are displayed in blue. No validation is passed to the spreadsheet.
    • Column Headers and ordering should not be changed.
    • Data can be entered into the spreadsheet for points/attributes.
    • Further Rows can be copied and pasted within the spreadsheet for entering more than one date/time value for an Asset/Location.
Note: Not all rows need to be completed to upload into the grid. Validation will be performed upon loading into the grid and any missing data will be highlighted.